Saturday 20 August 2022

August / September musings. 2022

Creativity is an offshoot of boldness, positivity and evolved cignitive ability. xx xx xxx xxxx Increasing telltale instances of deifying human perversity are disturbing. xxx xxx xxx Responsibility before India's governing apparatus to transform India to a $five trillion economy by 2024-25 is surely an important one. Equally or, even more impoertant, is to turn pages of history and learn how certain social aberrartions and criminal activities like human sacrifice, Sati tradition and widespread activities of Thugs were handled by administrators of yore and the country got rid of them. A polity where criminal justice administration continues to be archaic, where corruption has been raging like wild-fire, where gender, caste and religion based crimes continue , rate of economic growth is bound to be slower than the desired pace. No convincing picture is yet emerging that these areas are being addressed adequately. Perhaps, the situation in these areas are getting murkier. xxx xxx xxx xxx Political Leadership cozying up to top capitalists is more likely to follow growth model of theoretical economists leaving India’s millions of poor people behind. Measly cash transfers to millions could demonstrate a robust UPI backbone, hardly lead to their economic uplift. xxx xxx xxx I would love to view Odisha’s Millet Mission as much more than an ornamental showpiece. If it wasn’t so, off take of ₹1 rice by now w’d have reduced. The Mission should surface on the food plate of the tribal households beyond upperclass household gossip lounge in Bhubaneswar. xxx xxx xxx Why and how is it that only " once upon a time" was a prince chivalrous; a king,both wise and just; a damsel, in distress, was always rescued without being harmed and why did high flying Swans talk amongst them of virtuous men living incognito on land they flew over ? Why not now?

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