Tuesday 9 October 2018


Many countries have used pigeons for transmission of messages because of the wonderful homing ability of these birds. In ancient India .Swans have had close contact with princesses and princes and between love-sick individuals. 

We used to hear stories told by mother and grandmother about ability of certain Birds to understand even what a human being spoke. In some countries not far way from ours, the intelligent monkey has been plucking coconuts. In Odisha the Police benefited for years from the services of pigeons for transmission of messages. 

The advent of activists in India who saw animals' freedom being trampled by using them for important activities, changed the scenario completely. I think the society has been the loser by the restrictions imposed. Who knows, India's Intelligence Agencies could have benefited immensely by training birds and animals to sneak into hostile territory, listen to what they talked and gave us a total account !! How much we would have benefited from monkey coconut pluckers can be realised by the harassed coconut tree owners in India. 

A time has come, I think, to revisit the issue. I see only advantage in such a policy. What is the harm if we have a talking mynah, a talking parakeet, a dancing peacock, a cute deer and even a trained monkey in every household !! Will the Activists both in and out of Government listen to this appeal !!


9th October, 2017

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