Tuesday 29 January 2019


The amiable doctor-friend who lived in the neighbourhood was returning home when I met him on the lane this morning. The hospital where he worked would have many additional facilities. Additional Beds have arrived, so have a few modern machines. "In the absence of specialists, doctors and technicians, these cannot be put to use. We have to wait," he said.
The disconnect between announcement and implementation is endemic in our country. We need to love speed, not speed-breakers.
We are making progress; but not fast enough. It is good we are now world's second largest producer of steel; but we had built the first steel mill in 1912 while China's first steel manufacturing facility came up in 1918. Today, China produces close to 930 million tons of steel (51% of global production) while we produce close to 107 million tons.
Recently, as many as 37.7 lakh candidates had applied for only 12000 class III jobs in Gujarat government. India does not create enough jobs. One major reason seems to be our love for slow motion. It is not "Speed” that kills in India. It is “slow speed” that kills. India loves to probe "Decisions and Decision Makers" ; loves and rewards "Non-Performers."


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