Wednesday 18 July 2018


I think about the Dinosaurs and wonder if they became extinct, 65 million years ago, as a result of application of the perennial principle of retributive justice.

 If they were wicked and God decided to punish them,  then why did my cute innocent sparrow fly away? Did it become a victim to predatory justice? We seem to be in a system where it is just inevitable that the mighty and the humble would have to leave. In the scheme of things, the earth is much bigger; holier and more profound than the creatures it sustains. 

How foolish it is to nourish an idea that we humans are the ultimate in the process of evolution and the clock of evolution has stopped clicking thereafter. Words of Pythagoras, “For as long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love," are so meaningful. 

Apart from the cruelty of the wild that we display towards the weaker, we emerge as great marauders, destroying our own habitat, the Earth. When our time also comes, like the great Dinosaurs and the humble Sparrow, let us not leave the Earth sans resources so that it starts all over again with the birth of a mere pygmy that would view humans in no kindlier light than what we view the mighty Dinosaur with.

 Let us leave a legacy that would speak that we indeed were the best in the chain of evolution. This can only be said if our successors are not pygmies but Super humans. Let us nourish and not loot the Earth to make this happen.

18th July, 2012

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