Thursday 30 August 2018


Our venerable Reserve Bank of India has completed counting the currency notes that had been rendered illegal tender post Demonetisation and has declared the results, Almost the entire currency notes that were in circulation, has come back to the RBI. This makes me realise that my country and countrymen have been officially declared as among the financially cleanest mortals on the earth and all this talk of tainted money, black money, offshore money were no more than  "made to order" cocktail of desi and foreign pseudo economists . I also feel concerned about those persecuted worthies who keep running and hiding for their only fault of being rude to a right man somewhere in our system.. No wonder at least one of them has publicly stated how anxious he is to return home, his sweet home.  

Let me come back to the issue on a serious note. What did the exercise reveal in the end? Didn't it show loudly that in our country lawbreakers can get away with anything?  An explanation that the intended objective of bring back Black Money into the system has been achieved does not convince my common sense. For every surrender of a demonetised currency note the depositor got valid currency notes. Those who could not explain their source, faced the wrath of law. But what has been the outcome? Has the assessed volume of unaccounted for money in circulation been taxed or impounded fully? An atmosphere of disbelief seems to have descended the country, 

The RBI revelation now makes me think on some other important matters. Take for example the persistent talk about the huge population of the country and the uncomfortable prophecy about the impending and inevitable happening of my country's population overtaking China's. I now suspect that there could be several cases of double/ multiple head counting in my country and the real population could as well be much less, closer to that of the United States rather than our northern neighbour.
The other issue is about the number of voters my country has and the issue of bogus voters. It is common knowledge that we Indians love politics and don't love working. Every election in our country is being both fiercely financed and fiercely contested. Come 2019, and the country should decide, once for all, the number of Indian voters. It should be pegged at the number of votes cast, including the NOTA votes and the rest struck off the rolls. New voters should only be Aadhar linked. 

The list could get longer and I am disinclined to write more. Let me now place my conclusions. My country is not all that problematic as has been painted. My countrymen are gentle, god-fearing, responsible. It is the Bureaucracy that keeps inventing--- be it the number of people India has, the number of currency notes in circulation or the number of hungry people. 

The RBI has rendered yeoman service by initiating the DEBUNK process. India seems to have rested far too long on many assumptions, mostly created by shrewd people with an evil design. Let the process of debunking spread to other areas and continue till the quintessence of India gets revealed. That indeed will be our Tryst with Destiny.


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