Tuesday 28 August 2018


We keep hearing learned discourse on merits and drawbacks of Electronic Voting Machine ( EVM ). One gets an impression as if India has still not said the last word on the issue. Some point fingers at an EVM; saying that a machine, after repair, records all votes in favour of a particular Party. They demand that the name of the repairer be put on the public domain. Then suddenly the situation gets electrified with someone throwing the gauntlet at a doubting Thomas to prove the Machine wrong; and a hushed silence greets every one thereafter. The debate, nevertheless, continues and doubts keep lurking. I, for one, have been a consistent votary of the Ballot Paper and have suffered the discomfiture of submitting my intelligence to that of a machine.
While India's gigantic voting Bandobust keeps drawing accolades from various parts of the world, each of the voting compartments of India's millions of polling stations continues to be lighted by a lantern. India seems to have unflinching faith on the kerosene-fuelled hurricane lamp despite the nation rejoicing about millions of units of electricity having been saved by LED lamps. Will the polling compartments be lit by the LED lamps in 2019 Election? Let me hope at least 50% of the compartments would.


We keep hearing learned discourse on merits and drawbacks of Electronic Voting Machine ( EVM ). One gets an impression as if India has still not said the last word on the issue. Some point fingers at an EVM; saying that a machine, after repair, records all votes in favour of a particular Party. They demand that the name of the repairer be put on the public domain. Then suddenly the situation gets electrified with someone throwing the gauntlet at a doubting Thomas to prove the Machine wrong; and a hushed silence greets every one thereafter. The debate, nevertheless, continues and doubts keep lurking. I, for one, have been a consistent votary of the Ballot Paper and have suffered the discomfiture of submitting my intelligence to that of a machine.
While India's gigantic voting Bandobust keeps drawing accolades from various parts of the world, each of the voting compartments of India's millions of polling stations continues to be lighted by a lantern. India seems to have unflinching faith on the kerosene-fuelled hurricane lamp despite the nation rejoicing about millions of units of electricity having been saved by LED lamps. Will the polling compartments be lit by the LED lamps in 2019 Election? Let me hope at least 50% of the compartments would.

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